Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Birthday Surprise

1st post: decided that blogging would be a good way to communicate our life's blessings to those who are interested now that we were given the surprise of a lifetime.  Keeping everything fairly anonymous until we're ready to share the blog with family & friends.

My 33rd birthday eve surprise. . .

The ATM wishing me a Happy Birthday.  If they really wanted to wish me a very special day, they should have deposited some $$ in my account.

Confirming my Jesus year birthday surprise with a 2nd test. . .because two dark lines isn't enough.

We are in a state of shock, excitement, and joy.  We purchased the 1st pregnancy test on a whim at a Walmart on May 23rd. . .we were actually there to pick up a grill that we put on hold.  I joked with hubby and said I didn't know if it was his birthday or mine.

On the early morning (around 8:30am) of the 24th, I opened up a box of generic Equate pregnancy test and without reading the instructions, held it in the toilet to test it out.  A few minutes later, I looked at the test, looked at the box, looked at the instructions, re-read the instructions, rubbed my eyes, re-read the instructions again, started wondering if I held up the tip incorrectly, stood in silence for a minute, and then said to my half asleep, still-in-bed hubby that we should go get another test.  He asked, "why?" and I said, "I don't think I did it right."  I left the test in the bathroom, he looked at it, smirked but we didn't celebrate.  We were being cautious and I don't think we knew how to take it all in.  We went back to bed, I posted a picture of the first test on a closed Facebook NFP page with questions.  Everyone on the board seemed so sure that I was pregnant.  I felt a bit more excited but still wanted to get a second test. . .just to make sure.  We went about the day doing yard work and running errands (aka pick up 2nd pregnancy test).

I woke up early (this time around 6am) on my 33rd birthday, just as Jesus would have done I assume, and went back into the bathroom.  With the surprise of the 24th on my mind all day and night, I just couldn't sleep.  I turned on the lights and quietly read every word of the instructions before testing.  The Clearblue pregnancy test is not for an impatient person like me.  The countdown timer, while it might be helpful to others, caused me anxiety as it was blinking.  Did I break the test?  Finally, after what seemed like eternity, the screen said "pregnant."  OMG.  I called out to the hubby, who was half asleep & still-in-bed again, and asked him to come into the bathroom.  I showed him the stick, we smiled at each other, and just held each other as the pregnancy was confirmed.  Giddy like school girls who didn't know what to do with ourselves, we decided to go to the early Mass at 7am.  After a quick senior citizen filled Mass with no music, we went and kneeled before Mary to pray. . .the same Mary we had prayed to for her intercession on our wedding day.  We called my mom and told her the news. . .she's the only one that knows at this point.  We decided to her tell because of all the child bearing issues she's had in her life.  She congratulated us and then told me not to stay on the phone too long for the baby's health.  Do we have an overprotective grandma already?  We want to tell the world but plan to tell family when we reach the end of the 1st trimester.  . .if we can wait that long.  Hubby took me to breakfast and though I couldn't order my favorite breakfast, eggs benedict (we googled & found out I can't eat poached eggs while pregnant. . .something about salmonella), we had a delicious meal.  We went to a friend's BBQ that evening but we left early.  I think we were both nervous about possibly spilling the beans or having a friend suspect something since I wasn't drinking.  I don't think anyone would ask me if I was pregnant as that would be like telling someone they are fat but hubby and I were still anxious.  It's just one of those things, you know that nobody else knows but you think they know.  Ya know?

I have been feeling a bit queazy and had some craving but not sure if I'm overanalyzing or if they are real pregnancy symptoms.  Before we found out, I've been telling hubby I wanted mint chocolate chip ice cream (never got any, by the way) so I wonder if I was already pregnant a week or so ago?  I've eaten about 5 pickles (and I never ate a lot of pickles before) and had a craving for Cheetos.  Yesterday, I gobbled up a plate of lobster.  I'm finding out that I need to avoid more foods than just deli meat and high mercury fish.  I'll be watching my diet more carefully.  And no, I don't plan to "eat for two". . .I put on so much post-wedding weight, I am hoping I don't gain too much.

First Dr.'s appointment set for Thursday.  Wondering what'll happen. . .blood test, maybe an ultrasound?  I just hope that IF (yes, I still need professional confirmation) I am pregnant, that the baby is healthy (and stays healthy) & already feeling our love for him/her.

O'H what a memorable birthday!

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